Yoga Therapy

To overcome physical and mental problems, Yoga asanas, pranayama and meditation help us a lot.

At Bhajan, we provide advice on a yogic diet, yogasanas, pranayama, meditation and yoga classes.

YOGA THERAPY – for arthritis, thyroid problems, back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, acidity, high blood sugar etc. This is individual yoga therapy sessions.

MEDITATION THERAPY– for Anxiety, Stress and Depression.

 You can practice yoga asanas directly with us and then continue to practice at home. The results of Yoga is depending on the stage of your disease, current health and above all, the daily practice of Yoga.  ( Wait 3.5 hours after a heavy meal for the yoga session, wait 1 hour after a light food for the yoga  session)

Note: If you had a surgery you will need 6 months of rest before you come in for a session. Also, if you are suffering from any chronic illness please consult your doctor before coming in for a Yoga Therapy session